SIP Wishlist for 2022-2023

Dear Friends of the Social Innovation Program,

Below you'll find the locally urgent and globally relevant issues our 9th & 10th graders will be tackling every Friday afternoon this coming school year. Nested under each topic are the types of people we hope our students can have the pleasure of meeting. 

We hope students end the year having constructed an informed response to the essential questions listed next to each topic. Towards this, we curate a roster of field trip hosts and campus guests for each team that values people for a diversity of reasons—lived experience, personal identity, academic expertise, professional background, and more. Growth happens when students reconcile their own vision for the world with the (sometimes unexpected!) opinions and experiences of others. Striving for equity and inclusivity, we provide partners with FAQs and info about our opt-in stipend. At this time we are crossing our fingers for as many in-person interactions as possible.

Do you know someone who'd be willing to meet our students? Or an organization we should check out? Please share your leads with me and our new Social Innovation Program coordinator, Gabi Carrillo at

Gabi and I look forward to stewarding introductions and getting visits on the calendar once I'm back from some tech-free time this month.

RJ Sakai
Director of Social Innovation
Co-Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Access to higher education – What needs to be done to ensure that every person in Southern California has a prosperous and fulfilling life after high school?

  • Student or professor at a vocational or trade school, or other job training program

  • College employee that provides students with support and resources

  • Working student that is paying their own way through college

  • Government employee or advocate working on financial aid and college affordability

  • Employee at an organization that increases low income students' access to college

Aging LGBTQ+ population – What policies and services need to be in place to help our region's aging LGBTQ+ population live a dignified life surrounded by caring people?

  • Someone who is 65 years or older, is LGBTQ+, and is willing to share about their life

  • Healthcare professional that works specifically with seniors and/or people who are LGBTQ+

  • City or county employee supporting seniors and/or people who are LGBTQ+

  • Lawyer that focuses on discrimination

  • Someone doing work related to housing affordability

  • Historian of LGBTQ+ history

Water Capture and Treatment – How does our water infrastructure need to change to ensure the good health of people, animals, and plants in our region?

  • Civil engineer who designs water infrastructure

  • Professor who studies drought, water pollution, or native flora and fauna

  • Landscape designer

  • Someone who can speak about the role of county measures and bonds

Racism in the Outdoors – What needs to be done to help Black, Indigenous, and People of Color feel a stronger sense of belonging in nature?

  • Someone who is Black, Indigenous, Latinx, or Person of Color who is willing to share about their experience hiking, camping, and/or being in the outdoors

  • Employee of an outdoor brand that's focusing on diversifying representation of people in nature

  • Legislator making the outdoors more accessible and inclusive

  • Employee of US Forest Service or National Park Service

  • Mental or physical healthcare provider that works with communities of color

Wealth Inequality – What is the best way to remedy wealth gaps between the poorest and richest residents of Los Angeles County?

  • Psychologist who can expand on stressors associated with poverty

  • Someone who has experience with cooperative businesses, community land trusts, and/or other alternative forms of wealth redistribution

  • Financial planner

  • Worker or business owner who is willing to talk about their relationship to the minimum wage

  • Someone who is willing to talk about their journey going from the 99% to the 1%, or vice versa

Future of Policing – What needs to be done to create and sustain nurturing neighborhoods that are free from violent crime and excessive force?

  • Police officer or other law enforcement agent

  • Professor studying policing, community safety, criminal justice

  • Someone who is willing to share about their experience with Beyond the Bell, Summer Night Lights, or other gang prevention and youth development programs

  • Someone who is involved in efforts to reform, defund, or abolish the police

Safe Mobility – What needs to change to make our streets safer for people who walk, bus, and ride bikes?

  • Urban planner, especially one focused on mobility

  • Someone who works on transportation policy and legislation

  • Someone who takes pride in not owning a car in Los Angeles

  • Drivers education teacher

  • Employee of Metro or other public transportation agency

Endangered Habitats and Species – What's the best way to conserve local biodiversity in the face of overexploitation?

  • Someone who is indigenous and willing to speak to indigenous understandings of nature, including White Sage

  • Ranger for County Parks, California State Parks, National Forest Service, or National Park Service

  • Legislator or advocate working to conserve nature

  • Professor who studies endangered species and local ecosystems


First day guest for Wealth Inequality team


A taste of each Advanced Impact Track