First day guest for Wealth Inequality team

On September 2nd we had a guest, her name was Emily and she is a psychiatrist. She specializes in working with pregnant women that are in difficult situations in life. Ranging from unsustainable food, health care, prenatal care, and housing. She also explained how the stress that is added to the woman because of these issues can then cause various outcomes. Such as medical and proving problems, or more specifically in the women having anger, depression, anxiety, and fright issues. In the worse of cases, intergenerational transmission can happen (this is when the anxiety is transmitted to the fetus, and it affecting its life later on). Based on her job she has a specific perspective relating to our question, "What is the best way to remedy wealth gaps between the poorest and richest of Los Angeles.” In her opinion she thinks in order to remedy the wealth gap in Los Angeles, we have to target the "Social Determinants of Health.”

Written by Eira ‘26 and documented by Sophia ‘26


Josh Parr meets with Future of Policing team


SIP Wishlist for 2022-2023